Agricultural wire

  • Steel wire is a versatile material with many applications in agriculture. Its superior strength and durability compared to plastic wire make it a popular choice for support, fastening and maintenance needs.
  • Here are some common uses for steel wire in agriculture:
    •  Fencing
    • Tying and trellising systems
    • Plant protection and support
    • Equipment repair and maintenance
    • Tool manufacture
  • Generally, galvanised or stainless steel wire is used.

Annealed galvanised steel wire coil

Annealed galvanised steel wire coil

Looped galvanised hoops

Looped galvanised hoops

Straight galvanised hoops

Straight galvanised hoops

Staples for mulch fabric and geotextile

Staples for mulch fabric and geotextile

Steel nails for nailing machines

Steel nails for nailing machines

Cleats of fence

Cleats of fence

See all our products in our catalog

Clear steel wire, annealed wire, galvanised wire, smooth wire, shiny soaped wire, twisted wire, notched wire… for every need we can supply this wire in coils, cut-to-length bars, shaped parts, various nails and tacks…